Once upon a time,
in a land far far away...
Ok, not far far away..
Only as far as Northern Virginia.
But it was definitely far from Florida, which is where
the rest of the clan lived.
But, let's not get off course.
Little Jiseff, yes, that's his name..
Jiseff was clearly not like any other human.
He walked around in a black cloak
and always carried with him his job tool.
He never stopped working for a living.
That was his gift.
However, one day, while working, Jiseff saw a girl.
Immediately, his bones began to rattle.
He couldn't understand what was happening inside him.
He thought to himself,
"I don't have a heart, what could this rattle be?"
Then a voice spoke to him...
"Jiseff, if you don't have a heart, then you don't have a brain."
"Who said that!?" Jiseff asked anxiously.
"It is I, your creator..." replied the voice.
"Oh...okay," {heh heh} went Jiseff.
But again, Jiseff's bones began to rattle and this time he
didn't question it, he just began to run.
Click click went his bones as his knees kept knocking together.
"what is happening to me", he pondered as he began to slow
down his run into a gallop and then eventually stop
Out of breath was not a thing for Jiseff
because he had no lungs ,(or so he thought)
but for some reason
he couldn't run anymore.
He looked around and to his surprise,
there was the girl again.
This can't be happening, thought Jiseff to himself.
Maybe the only thing to set me free will be to...
Do my job?
As he began to walk up to the girl with beautiful blue eyes
like a glistening ocean, he felt his knees suddenly get weak.
His arms could no longer swing his tool...
So he stopped.
Jiseff looked around for another way out
and there he saw a rose garden.
He picked what he thought was the most perfect rose
and he began walking up to the girl again.
When he got up to her,
He said in his sweetest growl,
"I may be dead inside, but I Love U..."
And the girl with the glistening blues eyes smiled
at him and said,
"If you are dead inside, then you couldn't love me."
"Is that why I am feeling this rattle inside my bones?" asked Jiseff.
The blue eyed girl answered softly,
She explained to Jiseff that
in order to share Love with another,
he must first Love himself as he is.
And the rattle in his bones was a wake up call from
his soul that he was worthy of living
no matter what his occupation was.
However, Living could only happen when he
Loved himself for who he was created to be and
did exactly that which made him happy.
Jiseff released a huge sign of relief
and a tear rolled down his cheek.
He never felt more alive then in that very moment of truth.